EVOLUTION: More surprising to me as I consider where my intellectual head-space has been on this issue, which is central to theological ideal; is the fact that I have become more of a creationist. Skeptics may say that God doesn't exist and I am inclined to agree he/she isn't within our purview to limit and say we know; HIM, or even what it is that really goes on, in the world about us. It would be difficult to say there is any one humanistic discipline or theology that fits with my perception. Teilhard de Chardin's 'templates' and 'quantum many worlds' join Lamarckian science, that requires uncertainty and values mystery and uncertainty principles with purpose. In the final analysis you can put me in whatever 'cubby-hole' you want and there'll be agreement and respect for the truth therein expressed. I see a lot of people sounding like they disagree and yet I see little difference except when they seek personal gain by it. Surely science has given a great deal of support to the concept of consciousness existing in the very smallest parts of energy, and in the ways it performs what was once considered miraculous, or magical. Here are the thoughts of two very scientifically oriented people from MIT in a book called Darwinism Evolving:
"They also made it harder for the scientific worldview to be received with equanimity by other sectors of culture. Indeed, since the reducing impulse undermines fairly huge tracts of experience, people like Wallace, who feel deeply about protecting phenomena they regard as existentially important, frequently conclude that they have no alternative except to embrace spiritualism, and sometimes even to attack the scientific worldview itself, if that is the only way to protect important spheres of experience that have been ejected from science's confining Eden. In response, scientists and philosophers who feel strongly about the liberating potential of a spare, materialistic worldview began to patrol the borderlands between the high-grade knowledge scientists have of natural systems and the low-grade opinions that in the view of science's most ardent defenders, dominate other spheres of culture and lead back toward the superstitious and authoritarian world of yesteryear. 'Demarcating' science from other, less cognitively worthwhile forms of understanding was already a major feature of Darwin's world. A line beyond which the Newtonian paradigm could not apply was drawn at the boundary between physics and biology. We have seen how hesitant Darwin was to cross that line and what happened when he did. Twentieth-century people are sometimes prone to congratulate themselves for being above these quaint Victorian battles. They may have less reason to do so, however, than they think, for the fact is that throughout our own century, the same sort of battles, with emotional overtones no less charged, have been waged at the contested line where biology meets psychology, and more generally where the natural sciences confront the human sciences. Dualisms between spirit and matter, and even between mind and body, may have been pushed to the margins of respectable intellectual discourse. But methodological dualisms between what is covered by laws and what is to be 'hermeneutically appropriated' are still very much at the center of our cultural, or rather 'two cultural', life. Cognitive psychologists and neurophysiologists are even now busy reducing mind-states to brain-states, while interpretive or humanistic psychologists are proclaiming how meaningless the world would be if mind is nothing but brain. Interpretive anthropologists are filled with horror at what would disappear from the world if the rich cultural practices that seem to give meaning to our lives were to be shown to be little more than extremely sophisticated calculations on the part of self-interested genes. Conflicts of this sort would have given Darwin stomachaches almost as bad as the ones he endured over earlier demarcation controversies.
The rhetorical pattern of these battles is still depressingly similar, in fact, to Huxley's confrontation with Wilberforce. Hermeneuts ridicule scientists like Hamilton, Dawkins, and Wilson when they suggest that nothing was ever known about social cooperation until biologists discovered kin selection. Reductionists in turn criticize hermeneuts, now transformed largely into 'culturists,' for bringing back ghosts and gods, just as their nineteenth-century predecessors were taxed with being 'vitalists' every time they said something about the complexity of development. Humanists identify scientists with an outdated materialist reductionism. Scientists insist that hermeneutical intentionality is little more than disguised religion.
Perhaps, a way out of this fruitless dialectic between the 'two cultures', can be found if each party could give up at least one of its cherished preconceptions {Or just give up the science that rejects certain facts in favour of convention or the 'Toilet Philosophy'.}. It would be a good thing, for example, if heirs of the Enlightenment would stop thinking that if cultural phenomena are not reduced to some sort of mechanism; religious authoritarianism will immediately flood into the breach. They should also stop assuming that nothing is really known about human beings until the spirit of scientific reductionism gets to work. Students of the human sciences have, after all, been learning things alongside scientists ever since modernity began. Among the things they have learned are that humans are individuated persons within the bonds of culture and cultural roles, and that as recipients and transmitters of cultural meanings, they are bound together with others in ways no less meaningful and valuable than the ways promoted by strongly dualistic religions. By the same token, it would be helpful if advocates of the interpretive disciplines would abandon a tacit assumption sometimes found among them that nature is so constituted that it can never accomodate the rich and meaningful cultural phenomena humanists are dedicated to protecting, and that therefore cultural phenomena 'ought never' to be allowed to slip comfortably into naturalism. Humanists seem to have internalized this belief from their reductionist enemies, whose commitment to materialism is generally inseparable from their resolve to show up large parts of culture, especially religion, as illusions. These opponents, we may safely say, take in each other's laundry." (7)
Ego and protecting territory abound in the internecine warfare that academics who seldom DO anything, often fight over. Meanwhile the real DOERS explore the boundless and awesome 'waves of the marvellous'. (8) We should accept even the ridiculous possibilities that come to mind as having merit or avenues to understand, rather than constantly fighting to make black and white answers that support our ego and limit the people who put forward possibilities. The real rule should be something along the line of 'if it hurts no one, why not enjoy the possibility? There are ample evidences that every supposed correct point of view or paradigm is short-lived unless backed by force and some kind of authority that limits rather than supports god and his/her purpose. Then an open-mind obtains new insight and finds the templates of reality even in exploring what first appears to be utterly absurd. I admit I often have found the idea of creationism absurd, and yet as I said at the start of this entry I am now on the side of creationists through evolutionary forces with intentional creative inputs in the Intelligent Design or Interventionist mode. The next entry will seem absurd to most people and few will think it deserves inclusion in a segment purporting to have anything to do with science. I must include it in honest presentation despite the ridicule most people will attribute to it, and me.
Rabu, 16 Juli 2008
Evolution and Exorcisms
Infinity - Feynman
RICHARD FEYNMAN: - I had the great pleasure of watching a movie called Infinity by Matthew Broderick and his wife. What a joy! To see a person whose father taught him to observe rather than codify or label in order to get marks or social acceptance. Education that focuses on the soul and ethics is what humanity will need to handle the outcome of the Pandora's Box unleashed by his fellow atom-mysticists. What a treat to see the ethics and honesty that made it difficult for him to lie to his lady even when all around them were pressuring him to do so when they thought she had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. What mastery of mind and reality to simply portray this exceptional couple as she thought first of how difficult it must have been for him to lie rather than what this terminal illness might do to her. But as usual the doctors were wrong and she had TB although it could have been discovered earlier and she might have lived if these doctors had not been trying to avoid saying what they thought.
When Feynman was at Los Alamos he danced spirit dances frequently; and he had been aware of the so-called paranormal all his life. In fact I believe I learned through the same methods he did - not in school. When he was at Princeton as a grad student the head of the Physics Department begged him to go with their government project as he said there are none like you anywhere. I loved hearing the care Robert Oppenheimer showed even though he had never met the young couple. I say that because his cousin John in London who offered to make me the head of his printing company, showed that same kind of care for me.
Feynman died in 1988 before his partner John Wheeler met Peter Lynds who is now promoting an ancient Greek theory on Infinity. Wheeler supports Lynds who has no real formal education and that is to his credit. I must say there aren't enough people like Dick Feynman and I wish there were a lot more. Thank you - the Brodericks.
Satus Anxiety
'Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories. The first - the story of our quest for sexual love - is well known and well-charted. The second - the story of our quest for love from the world - is a more secret and shameful tale. And yet this second love story is no less intense than the first.' Thus speaks Alain de Botton author of the thought provoking book Status Anxiety. In this day and age, we are given respect in direct proportion to our (perceived) "success". It is like a calibration, for the world to decide how much respect they owe us. So desperate are we for status, it is the over-riding concern of our lifetimes to achieve status and respect. Increasingly, status in the West has been awarded in relation to financial achievement. The consequences of high status are pleasant. They include resources, freedom, space, comfort, time and, as importantly perhaps, a sense of being cared for and thought valuable - conveyed through invitations, flattery, laughter, deference and attention.
High status is thought to be one of the finest of earthly goods. For this reason, we worry whenever we are in danger of failing to conform to the ideals of success laid down by our society. We worry that we may be stripped of dignity and respect, we worry that we are currently occupying too modest a rung or are about to fall to a lower one. We might not worry so much if status were not so hard to achieve and even harder to maintain over a lifetime. Except in societies where it is fixed at birth and our veins flow with noble blood, our position hangs on what we can make of ourselves; and we may fail in the enterprise due to stupidity or an absence of self-knowledge, macro-economics or malevolence.
From failure will flow humiliation: a corroding awareness that we have been unable to convince the world of our value and are henceforth condemned to consider the successful with bitterness and ourselves with shame. The trouble with America in particular is the belief that if you work hard, you will be proportionately blessed with financial success. The converse side of this coin is that if you lack financial succes, you simply don't deserve it. Of course this fails to take into account the dynamics of macro economies in which national wealth is not necessarily a representation of the those who individually share in this success.
I think the problem in our competitive societies today is that the more we acquire, the more difficult we will be to please, yet at the same time the more difficult it will be to achieve status (simply because there is more to "wade through" before arriving at the peak. In modern societies if one is born into dire poverty it is very very difficult to "wade through" everything that stands in the way, and the more prosperous society becomes the more there is to wade through). The analogy is a waterfall. The people at the top are comfortably safe. Those int he middle will either sink of swim and are struggling to stay in the same place, desperately afraid of being sucked down and equally determined to reach reach the top. Those at the bottom of the waterfall simply have no chance.
I was once told that there are three possible solutions to most problems, money, a miracle or to simply change the paradigm. In the case of status anxiety, only two of those will solve it. Perhaps we should take a leaf out of the Buddhist book, and instead change our perspective and realise the ultimate futility and mortality of our existence. The problem you see, only exists because we use society as our mirror. If we stopped and put it all in perspective, we might change ours. Ways to avoid stress:
1. Perspective. This is probably the most important. Will this problem affect you in a few days, in a year, or in the long term? If it doesn't affect your overall or long term happiness it probably doesnt matter that much.
2. The solution won't fall out of the sky. Miracles don't happen anymore. When faced with a challenge it is best sometimes to take the bull by the horns and deal with it as opposed to ignoring or postponing your action.
3. Priorities. What is most important at the time? By prioritising, you will come to realise that you can only effectively deal with one problem at a time. Defeat each problem in chunks.
4. Life plan. It sounds awfully cliche but without a plan you will simply drift about constantly changing tack, never settling on a single course. Success at anything come wtih patience and persistence.
5. Set realistic goals. Success is proportional to expectation over achievement. If you make your expectations realistic you are less likely to be disappointed. Don't build castles in the sky.
6.Relax! Simply take some time out once in a while to review and put things in perspective.
By Ted Nichols
Phony-Baloney Detection Lesson #2
Appeals to Authority
Listen to this quote by a guy I am sure some of you have heard of:
"Our society is dominated by experts, few more influential than psychiatrists. This influence does not derive, however, from our superior ethics or goodness or from any widespread consensus that we are especially admirable?"[1]
Don't you just love that?
He goes on to say, that Americans have become a people too dependent on so-called "experts" who "for better or for worse, exert an influence that far exceeds the actual wisdom (I might add here humility and grace) we demonstrate."[2]
Now, listen to this person's credentials:
"Dr. Satinover is a former National Merit Scholar (W. H. Taft HS, 1965, Woodland Hills, CA) and holds degrees from M.I.T. (S.B.), Harvard (Ed.M.) the University of Texas (M.D.) and Yale (M.S.) He completed psychoanalytic training at the C. G. Jung Institute of Zürich. He is a former fellow (resident) in psychiatry and child psychiatry at Yale where he was twice awarded the department of psychiatry's Seymour Lustman Residency Research Prize (2nd place). He was the 1975 William James Lecturer at Harvard. He was until recently a graduate student and teaching fellow in the department of physics at Yale University as part of the Condensed Matter Theory Group where he received a master's degree in physics in 2003."[3]
The last I heard he decided to "pick up" a Ph.D. in Physics.
Phony-Baloney Detection Rule #2 is this:
"Nothing is true because some guy or gal with more degrees behind his or her name than the weather says it is."
Let's say that you have a "cause". There is an issue that hundreds if not thousands have embraced. Within that cause, which has now become a "movement", those who have embraced this cause or issue have gathered their "experts" who come to the conventions they hold where these "experts" tell these crusaders all they want to hear.
These "experts" line up at the stage entrance with truckloads of evidence. They have manuals, books, graphs, charts, movies, and slideshows, of statistics that will be presented as "indisputable evidence" the position or ideology of the new movement is correct. The result?
"Our cause is right and just", cries the members of the new movement, "just look at all the new "facts" I can now throw in the face of the world".
Nothing is true not even if a million so-called "experts" say it is true!
This is a huge problem in American society today. We are a people who blindly trust so-called "experts" (who may not even be "experts" at all) who self-proclaim themselves as "authorities" and who gladly accept their self-proclamation and the following it has earned them.
What is even scarier is that some of these so-called "experts" come to believe, in a kind of self-delusion, they are the authorities their followers regard them to be. These "experts" begin to believe they must be "right" just because they said something was so.
What if, when you wake tomorrow, there are suddenly a gazillion "experts" with academic credentials too long to possibly list, who are now saying the sun not only does not rise in the East and sets in the West-it never has!
Would that make it so? Would the fact that these "experts", some of whom would believe themselves to be "world-renowned" authorities, deluge you with so many facts that your head explodes, make their position on this issue any more "right"?
It would not!
In the emotions and blustering of any cause or issue, humans have the almost innate desire to be "dogmatic", and in their dogmatism, forget how to cut through the bull to learn what is right and what is not.
It is the test of experiment which cuts through the "cock and bull" of anyone, self-deluded or not, who makes a claim that something is true-NO MATTER HOW MUCH "INDISPUTABLE" EVIDENCE that is thrown into your lap.
Anyone, no matter how beloved, no matter how many books he has written, no matter how many conventions he has been the keynote speaker at presenting his truckloads of "proof", must have someone, somewhere hold his feet to the fire of the test of experimentation in the form of the following process:
1) Observation, 2) hypothesis, 3) prediction, 4) testing, and the attempt to 5) reproduce steps 3 and 4 used to form a theory (the last step of the scientific method).
Without the test of experimentation, without an objective third party (peer review) being able to reproduce the so-called expert's proof then all the "expert" is presenting to you in his truckloads of "statistical proof" is SPECULATION!
It is not proof. It is nothing more, nothing less, than SPECULATION!
No matter the credentials, no matter the reputation, no matter how much the much-loved guru of your movement quotes as proof, without the test of experimentation, you have no tool to discern whether what he is telling you is the truth or not.
Those who spew facts, figures, and stats, would not too often go wrong if CONCLUSIVE scientific testing was always possible. Unfortunately, it is not. In situations where limited testing can be done and even when the test results conflict, it is the ethical responsibility of the "presenter of the facts" in any issue to say so!
It is then, when the so-called "experts" who at least attempted to employ the test of experimentation, have to say,
"This is inconclusive but it would appear from what we presently know that ___________".
Even the "experts" have biases. Some of those will spew as "facts" what is instead "speculative biases" (and they know the difference) and not tell you so. From the dishonest to the sincerely deluded "experts", some spew what is mere "speculation" under the disguise of "indisputable evidence". That is the difference between "politics and truth".
As a columnist who is supposed to be trained to keep a story at 650-words, I am committing a sacrilege-this one is over a 1000. May my editor' forgive me!
If an "expert" is spewing a string of facts and stats, and is not citing the "tests of experimentation" from which these stats were derived, then that is how you know you are being fed SPECULATION (cock and bull?)!
What cuts through it all-THE TEST OF EXPERIMENTATION!
The next "Phony-Baloney Detection lesson #3" is Straw Man Argument.
[1] Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth; Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.; Baker Books; page 31
[2] Ibid
[3] http://www.satinover.com/main.htm
By Doug Bower
Why Im Glad Im Not a Minority Writer
I'll admit that I used to be jealous of my compadres who were minorities in my BFA Creative Writing program. The rest of us were just crusty white kids with no rhythm.
So, I used to be a little jealous of the amount of anger material these minority writers had access to. There is a lot of inspiration in one's cultural identity but if that inspiration doesn't allow the artist to create works that break past the illusory bonds of time and space to that oneness that unites us all then the art won't last and won't have quite the impact the artist hopes it will. In fact, here is a definition of good art you can copy paste into your brilliant quotes file. This one comes from yours' truly, Uncle Josh:
"Art (with a capital A) is all about using the contemporary forms of time and space (people, objects and their relationships) to blow apart the phenomenal differences that keep us each locked into what appears to be an inescapable prison (our own egos which are composed of our experience and emotional and intellectual reactions to the present moment, from which we project the future)."
But it is in this projection of the future where humanity's greatest certain unalienable right exists--the right of the choice about how to act this moment. It is freedom of choice about how to act in the moment (in other words, creating their reality in the moment through sheer will) that allowed people overcome atrocities like The Holocaust where every bit of security involved in associating through one's cultural identity was removed completely and the individual was reduced to a scrounging animal. This is the point where survival of the fittest and preservation of self becomes king and the social morays simply drop away like burning paper mache.
I have studied The Holocaust passionately now for sixteen years. I completed course upon course in college and have read book upon book about those twenty years in Germany that saw Hitler's rise to power and a decimation of a culture almost as old as humanity's recorded existence.
I have long asked why when thinking about the Holocaust. This is a very hard question because you are essentially asking for a sum value of millions of peoples' lives in terms of a historical lesson (and what historical lesson could be worth the lives of over 150 million who died in a World War which was the direct result of one man and his dream team of terror?).
But here is my why from The Holocaust--individual freedom emerged intact despite the fact that untold masses of individuals were murdered and had their most sacred identities taken away--their cultural or group identification.
There is enormous associative power in group identification--that is why we are constantly being told to choose, in the moment, which social group we define ourselves as--black, white, gay, christian, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, etc. There is a certain amount of creative inspiration to be derived from one's social group, but if you examine this inspiration closely you will see that the majority of art that comes from this source is usually so infused with the anger that comes from the tallying of group suffering that it has no breakthrough into the transcendent mystery which lies beyond time, space and our petty egos (which only last as long as we draw breath; the spirit is eternal and therefore incorruptible or haven't you got that memo yet?).
So, while minorities may have a lot of inspiration to draw from that produces some great Saturday Night Live and Dave Chappelle skits, most of these are without any true breakthrough; they are improper art, using the artistic aesthetics put forth by James Joyce in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
In-group anger can only take an artist as far as they are willing to ultimately let it go completely. Only by willingly letting go of our social identify and, ultimately, our individual identities in the moment, can we touch the true source of inspiration which lies inside each of us like a platinum encased diamond nugget at the centers of our being.
In fact, this is the exact message that I wrote about in my short story Pyrite (http://www.joshuaminton.com/fiction.htm).
I spent a lot of my late teens and early twenties being angry for other groups of people because my group identity (middle class white kid in a sea of other middle class white kids) was the system of oppression and the source of much of their anger. But I'm through being angry and I'm through defining myself with abstract concepts; I'll leave that to the hacks and has-beens. I'm going to do my best to teach this concept of artistic aesthetics to other talented artists so that they too may find that thorny and weeded path inside themselves that will take them to the platinum crusted diamond that waits for them within.
By Joshua Minton
All That We Are... Are Labels
Within the confines of the known universe, a madness is present that taints all of the knowledge which every human being has aquired within their life, and within the lives of others.
Nothing is as it seems, and it only seems that way because the human being has labeled it as such.
Language is the remarkable tool which all philosophers great and small have at their disposal, and it is that very language which limits knowledge at all levels to that very element.
Indeed, labeling begins with prehistoric man and continues to this day. The life and times of the hunter gatherer revolved around the daily exercise of labeling this and labeling that. Fire, wood, the animals which are hunted, are all a product of labeling.
The reader may now ask..."so what?"....and they would be right to a certain extent. But from a philosophical point of view an important point is being made: what is knowledge? For that matter, what constitutes intelligence? Because the more one explores that question, the more limited mankind becomes.
It is a critical observation that comes with the reality that all knowledge revolves around the act of labeling, and with that labeling comes a vague sort of intelligence allowing the passing of thought and emotion. Clearly, reality is judged by the senses. What can be seen, heard, smelled, or touched constitutes how real something may or may not be. Along these lines would come an in-depth dialogue about dreams and the clinically insane, but that discussion must be for another day.
When one gets down to it, what is known? Does existance essentially consist of running around and placing "post-it" notes upon all that is sensed? "This is 'milk', this is "your father', this is the 'television'." Is everyone aware, as I am, that the know universe simply consists of labeling? And since that is true, what is it that is achieved by mankinds existance?
One conclusion would surround the fact that this existance being experienced now is only the preliminary one of understanding. Perhaps it is like a martial art form: there are endless basic movements that must be mastered before one can continue and achieve. In fact, with martial arts, all who are involved with them knows the words "black belt" stands for excellence, but the reality is something quite different.
In most martial art forms, "black belt" means only "mastering of the basics", which is significant because most outsiders believe that achieving the black belt is the end, when in fact, for the dedicated artist, it is only the beginning.
Perhaps that is the state of mankind today: we are only at the beginning of our contribution to this universe. We, as a species, are in the "gathering of information" area of existance. But that revelation (if that's what one might call it) is significant because it is an indication that mankind truly has an enormous way to go to achieve true intellectual enlightenment.
I attended Rutgers University and studied philosophy, English, and History.
Darius and the US Postal Service
DARIUS: - Coins bearing his visage are found in the Americas but we would never expect to see normal academic overviews mention this for public consideration. And I was not surprised when I read many other things about Aryans and supposed first Empires, as I read the following part of a far larger presentation. Was the US support of the Shah connected to a larger and long term plan to manage the plebs or serfs who think they are free?
"Cyrus recognized that the "known world" he wished to conquer included Egypt, Carthage, Ethiopia, and Greek colonies on the Mediterranean coast as far as Gibraltar, but for the time being he thought he had better seize the known world to the east (except for distant, legendary China). In about a year he took lands as far away as what are now the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He rushed west again and fell upon Babylon by diverting the unfordable Gyndes River, a tributary of the Tigris which protected the city, into many shallow hand-dug channels. There he freed the forty thousand Jews held in the Babylonian captivity. A few years later, putting down a revolt in the east, Cyrus died in battle. His troops brought his body back to Pasargadae, and laid it to rest in the tomb with the Nordic roof. {N.B.}
Cyrus was not only the world's first great emperor; he was a humane man, who treated his victims benevolently, honored their gods, and set higher standards for the profession of kingship than most other monarchs down through the centuries. His son and successor, by contrast, was a brute who had earlier kicked his pregnant wife to death. He adored flattery, not blinking even when a courtier told him, 'I do not think you are the equal of your father, because you do not have a son like the son he left behind.' Nevertheless, before he mysteriously committed suicide, he managed to capture Egypt and pack the pharaoh back to Iran. Upon his death, according to Herodotus, the seven young nobles who formed the imperial council met and agreed to accept as king him among them whose horse should neigh first at dawn the next day. One groom made sure that his master would win by providing a delectable, neigh-worthy mare for the stallion. In this way the noble named Darius became king, although his own account of his ascent, which he left engraved on stone, differs in ways that do not make nearly as good a story.
Whatever the truth, Darius turned out to be second only to Cyrus as 'Great King, King of Kings,' and even more than Cyrus, the architect of the Persian Empire. Despite his chance choice, Darius had the royal blood of Achaemenes in his veins, for he descended from a collateral branch of the family. Darius ruled for thirty-five years, at first putting down rivals (he fought nineteen battles at the rate of nearly a battle a month, and defeated nine upstart kinglets), then giving the empire the institutions that Cyrus had been too busy to devise. He had to keep the subject populations contented enough not to revolt (for the conquered masses greatly outnumbered the ruling Persians), but disciplined enough to pay heavy taxes to support the court and the armies." (2)
He established a secret spy network not unlike his far later relative and recent King, the Shah of Iran; but he also established a reliable postal service not unlike the Pony Express that Herodotus was inspired to write the words now used as the motto of the US Postal Service. We have all heard it and wondered perhaps, why we are not told the origin bespeaks great things in other cultures.
"? Sir Roger Stevens to write, in The Land of the Great Sophy: 'There can be no proper understanding of what underlies modern Iran unless we recognize the significance of this triumph of legend over history, or art over reality, this preference for embellishment as against unvarnished fact, for ancient folk beliefs as against new-fangled creeds.'" (3)
In Answer To: Words Of Encouragement
Throughout my life, I have always known that it is not easy to fight injustices. I grew up in Jersey City and started to work during summers at the age of fourteen. I quit school just prior to sixteen and went to work full time because after 22 years my father had decided to leave my mother and someone had to do it. My mom was trying hard to go back to work after being a housewife for all those years but her health was not so great and she just couldn't do it long.
I made God only knows so many mistakes. When Mom and Billy died in 1974 I lost the only advisors I had my entire life...I was on my own. There have been many instances where if...
When my area developer swindled me out of goodness knows how much I went as far as filing a lawsuit against the company...I did it myself...it wasn't easy. I just came up against a dead end when their attorneys continued to throw everything they could in my path. I didn't have the money to go to New York and fight it the rest of the way...now it seems like a memory and nothing more but it did teach me that this world is a world where if you have enough money to fight for your cause you have a chance to win. If you don't have any money to fight oh well.
It is fine for someone like Robert Greenwald to run a production company financed by liberal elites and liberal organizations to do as he wishes to anyone and he has no responsibility to be fair when it comes to using people.
Along with the corporate officers at Walmart who are paid millions and allowed to ignore the real problems that over time millions of workers have had.
Continuously the extreme left and right wing elite do as they wish and are heard because they have money and power. It makes no difference if they are right, wrong or just in the entire thing for a laugh.
They use people on a daily basis under the cover of being righteous. I am a bit impatient. Probably because I fear that as I did with the lawsuit, once again for a lack of money and a lack of knowledge I will allow what I know is the right thing go unsaid because I have not the ability to put it out there.
Seriously, It gets old to be taken for granted. Used, misled and ripped off and have no recourse simply because there is not enough money to fight it and make the people with endless resources realize what is right is right. It makes no difference who's side you are on.
I could promote my book or writing as anti everything...if I were really extreme I would have a much better chance at actually being noticed. If I had the ability or if I had the energy left I could wait a bit and file a lawsuit in the state of California against Robert Greenwald when he uses something in the film that I told them about and was already in the book I wrote.
I don't know if I have the energy to do it again. Do it again and lose out because I come to a dead end.
What will it mean?
It means that a man with money and able to ask for donations to push his film making will in some way promote himself and his agenda using my information to do it. Without my permission he will be able to use the time and energy I have spent over the years and I will never even be acknowledged as a person who originally knew about all of it and made the attempt to make things right.
It would be nice if I were in a circle of people, where because I knew someone I could have someone else censored.
It would be nice if someone, anyone would just listen and realize that I am not only doing all of it because of the notoriety but because what is right is right.
Sure, I would like to make money doing all of it, I would be nothing more than a liar if I were to say that I was only doing all of it for the pleasure of waking a few people up. The problem is, I am not wealthy and I do not have an organization that is funded by anyone.
Seriously, Robert Greenwald has picked on Walmart because he is trying to be more like Michael Moore. I doubt that his reason is to be the savior of millions.
I picked on Walmart because somehow I hoped I could fix the culture that a very good man founded the company on.
I would have, while I worked for them been happy to share the things I knew.
Seriously, now that they have decided to make me into what they would call a traitor, I probably shouldn't care about the company or those left behind.
If they had listened, there would never have been a book. If Walmart had listened, if Lee Scott and Rob Walton were not so high and mighty there would have been a better place for the workers and I would not be where I am.
The main problem was I could not continue to work for liars and ignore the unethical situations that were occurring on a daily basis. I could not watch as associates were mistreated only because it was easier to do it the wrong way instead of really taking an interest in what was happening around me. I had to buck the system because it was and is flawed.
I could have continued to have a paycheck come in every two weeks that was only a mode of surviving until something else came along or until I could actually make someone realize what I was saying.
The Walmart Culture was a cult. It was almost a religious institution. It was people working on the art of making a retail company the best it could be and loving every minute of it even if they were not getting much from it in the way of wages and benefits.
It was an icon of something right in the world that went very wrong.
By Julie Pierce
Its Not Your Fault!
Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except 'within' and I learned to be connected to 'What IS'.
In the movie Good Will Hunting there are many great insights about the rat race and cycle of violence. I never was beaten but I had a horror show caused by the social system due to a schizophrenic mother. But I empathized with the Psychologist played by Robin Williams because I have always been there to counsel those in need or trouble. I had studied just like Will Hunting a lot of the books on philosophy and psychology. Before I was ten I dare say I had read more than the average Doctor of Psychology.
It was good to see both the main characters get on with their life and do the right thing. The 'Right Thing' is what I have been doing ever since I decided to fulfill my purpose. That meant I had to face the music and the rat race or bureaucracy again. You could say I am determined to be 'historical' like Gertrude Stein - or die trying. But I don't have a salon in Paris. I live in a group home for the flotsam of society called insane. I write my books in hopes that someone some day will decide to join me in a quest beyond fighting City Hall. Just like Gertrude's unwillingness to see the politics that lead to war I am moved to see what really causes these behaviors.
Ego and fear are so hard for people to get past. I have been perceived as a 'threat' to society or an agent of change people choose to avoid, for a couple of decades. In the last few years I have taken the message of soul and connectiveness to the World Wide Web communities. I am now retiring from such ego and flaming wars. Who can say what lies ahead? I don't really care if anyone actually learns the data I dump and my writing is only going to reach a few people while I am alive. Life on earth may not exist past that if our leaders choose to continue the current direction or leave to colonize space with the 'chosen ones'.
The important thing about learning and all the research I have done in writing about sixty (60) books including an encyclopedia, is this. We are connected and all energy has structure an consciousness or soul. It is being proven in science but I knew it long ago. I have seen many of the 'CONnections' and lots of 'CONstructs'. The joy of creating, I mean really creating, come through in the kind of thing Nils Bohr said. He said every great truth has an opposite which is also true, and a trivial truth has an opposite that is simply false; or something to that effect. When you see or feel a template or integrate the data that once seemed confusing there is a rush of creative realization (Thank you Bucky!) which is almost orgasmic or better. I hope Teilhard is right about one template seen by one person will impact 'all that is'. I trust there are people who will decide to make a real difference rather than pursue animal rights or abortion and the myriad other issues that create confusion and lead society away from ethical constructs. I wonder if there are enough?
I yam wut I yam.
William Butler Yeats
There are adepts outside of what is called alchemy who have achieved great things in these areas and there are alchemists before Socrates and Aristotle, or Da Vinci and Newton; who all true experts know were alchemists. For any author or journalist who would produce a TV documentary on the subject and not even interview a hermeticist (much less an alchemist) it is obvious their intent is not to educate. So when you see Time/Life videos doing that kind of show I hope you know you are being fed lies. In February, 1925 Yeats wrote this in Capri.
"The End of the Cycle
A Vision A
In the first edition of A Vision the section 'Dove or Swan' contains a relatively long passage on the relationship of the gyres to the contemporary period and the near future (AV A 210-215), which was omitted in the second edition. It is given here for reference, with the page breaks indicated. The first sentence given here (in italics) is the last on AV B 300, and the text continues from there.
Having bruised their hands upon that limit men, for the first time since the seventeenth century, see the world as an object of contemplation, not as something to be remade, and some few, meeting the limit in their special study, even doubt if there is any common experience, that is to say doubt the possibility of science.
It is said that at Phase 8 there is always civil war, and at Phase 22 always war, and as this war is always a defeat for those who have conquered, we have repeated the wars of Alexander.
I discover already the first phase-Phase 23-of the last quarter in certain friends of mine, and in writers, poets and sculptors admired by those friends, who have a form of strong love and hate hitherto unknown in the arts. It is with them a matter of conscience to live in their own exact instant of time, and they defend their conscience like theologians. They are all absorbed in some technical research to the entire exclusion of the personal dream. It is as though the forms in the stone or in their reverie began to move with an energy which is not that of the human mind. Very often these forms are mechanical, are as it were the mathematical forms that sustain the physical primary-I think of the work of Mr Wyndham Lewis, his powerful "cacophony of sardine tins," and of those marble eggs, or objects of burnished steel too drawn up or tapered out to be called eggs, of M. Brancussi [sic], who has gone further than Mr Wyndham Lewis from recognisable subject matter and so from personality; of sculptors who would certainly be rejected as impure by a true sectary of this moment, the Scandinavian Milles, Me?trovi? perhaps, masters of a geometrical pattern or rhythm which seems to impose itself wholly from beyond the mind, the artist "standing outside himself." I compare them to sculpture or painting where now the artist now the model imposes his personality. I think especially of the art of the 21st Phase which was at times so anarchic, Rodin creating his powerful art out of the fragments of those Gates of Hell that he had found himself unable to hold together-images out of a personal dream, "the hell of Baudelaire not of Dante," he had said to Symons. I find at this 23rd Phase which is it is said the first where there is hatred of the abstract, where the intellect turns upon itself, Mr Ezra Pound, Mr Eliot, Mr Joyce, Signor Pirandello, who either eliminate from metaphor the poet's phantasy and substitute a strangeness discovered by historical or contemporary research or who break up the logical processes of thought by flooding them with associated ideas or words that seem to drift into the mind by chance; or who set side by side as in "Henry IV," "The Waste Land," "Ulysses," the physical primary-a lunatic among his keepers, a man fishing behind a gas works, the vulgarity of a single Dublin day prolonged through 700 pages-and the spiritual primary, delirium, the Fisher King, Ulysses' wandering. It is as though myth and fact, united until the exhaustion of the Renaissance, have fallen so far apart that man understands for the first time the rigidity of fact, and calls up, by that very recognition, myth-the Mask-which now but gropes its way out of the mind's dark but will shortly pursue and terrify. In practical life one expects the same technical inspiration, the doing of this or that not because one would, or should, but because one can, consequent licence, and with those "out of phase" anarchic violence with no sanction in general principles. If there is a violent revolution, and it is the last phase where political revolution is possible, the dish will be made from what is found in the pantry and the cook will not open her book. There may be greater ability that hitherto for men will be set free from old restraint, but the old intellectual hierarchy gone they will thwart and jostle one another. One tries to discover the nature of the 24th Phase which will offer peace-perhaps by some generally accepted political or religious action, perhaps by some more profound generalisation-calling up before the mind those who speak its thoughts in the language of our earlier time. Peguy in his Joan of Arc trilogy displays the national and religious tradition of the French poor, as he, a man perhaps of the 24th phase, would have it, and Claudel in his "L'Otage" the religious and secular hierarchies perceived as history. I foresee a time when the majority of men will so accept an historical tradition that they will quarrel, not as to who can impose his personality upon others but as to who can best embody the common aim, when all personality will seem an impurity-"sentimentality," "sullenness," "egotism"-something that revolts not morals alone but good taste.
There will be no longer great intellect for a ceaseless activity will be required of all; and where rights are swallowed up in duties, and solitude is difficult, creation except among avowedly archaistic and unpopular groups will grow impossible. Phase 25 may arise, as the code wears out from repetition, to give new motives for obedience, or out of some scientific discovery which seems to contrast, a merely historical acquiescence, with an enthusiastic acceptance of the general will conceived as a present energy-"Sibyll [sic] what would you?" "I would die." Then with the last gyre must come a desire to be ruled or rather, seeing that desire is all but dead, an adoration of force spiritual or physical, and society as mechanical force be complete at last. Constrained, arraigned, baffled, bent and unbent
By those wire-jointed jaws and limbs of wood Themselves obedient,
Knowing not evil or good.
A decadence will descend, by perpetual moral improvement, upon a community which may seem like some woman of New York or Paris who has renounced her rouge pot to lose her figure and grow coars of skin and dull of brain, feeding her calves and babies somewhere on the edge of the wilderness. The decadence of the Greco-Roman world with its violent soldiers and its mahogany dark young athletes was as great, but that suggested the bubbles of life turned into marbles, whereas what awaits us, being democratic and primary, may suggest bubbles in a frozen pond-mathematical Babylonian starlight.
When the new era comes bringing its stream of irrational force it will, as did Christianity, find its philosophy already impressed upon the minority who have, true to phase, turned away at the last gyre from the Physical Primary. And it must awake into life, not Dürer's, nor Blake's, nor Milton's human form divine-nor yet Nietzsche's superman, nor Patmore's catholic, boasting "a tongue that's dead"-the brood of the Sistine Chapel-but organic groups, covens of physical or intellectual kin melted out of the frozen mass. I imagine new races, as it were, seeking domination, a world resembling but for its immensity that of the Greek tribes-each with its own Daimon or ancestral hero-the brood of Leda, War and Love; history grown symbolic, the biography changed into myth. Above all I imagine everywhere the opposites, no mere alternation between nothing and something like the Christian brute and ascetic, but true opposites, each living the other's death, dying the other's life.
It is said that the primary impulse "creates the event" but that the antithetical "follows it" and by this I understand that the Second Fountain will arise after a long preparation and as it were out of the very heart of human knowledge, and seem when it comes no interruption but a climax. It is possible that the ever increasing separation from the community as a whole of the cultivated classes, their increasing certainty, and that falling in two of the human mind which I have seen in certain works of art is preparation. During the period said to commence in 1927, with the 11th gyre, must arise a form of philosophy, which will become religious and ethical in the 12th gyre and be in all things opposite of that vast plaster Herculean image, final primary thought. It will be concrete in expression, establish itself by immediate experience, seek no general agreement, make little of God or any exterior unity, and it will call that good which a man can contemplate himself as doing always and no other man doing at all. It will make a cardinal truth of man's immortality that its virtue may not lack sanction, and of the soul's re-embodiment that it may restore to virtue that long preparation none can give and hold death an interruption. The supreme experience, Plotinus' ecstasy, ecstasy of the Saint, will recede, for men-finding it difficult-substituted dogma and idol, abstractions of all sorts, things beyond experience; and men may be long content with those more trivial supernatural benedictions as when Athena took Achilles by his yellow hair. Men will no longer separate the idea of God from that of human genius, human productivity in all its forms.
Unlike Christianity which had for its first Roman teachers cobblers and weavers, this thought must find expression among those that are most subtle, most rich in memory; that Gainsborough face floats up; among the learned-every sort of learning-among the rich-every sort of riches-and the best of those that express it will be given power, less because of that they promise than of that they seem and are. This much can be thought because it is the reversal of what we know, but those kindreds once formed must obey irrational force and so create hitherto unknown experience, or that which is incredible.
Though it cannot interrupt the intellectual stream-being born from it and moving within it-it may grow a fanaticism and a terror, and at first outsetting oppress the ignorant-even the innocent-as Christianity oppressed the wise, seeing that the day is far off when the two halves of man can define each its own unity in the other as in a mirror, Sun in Moon, Moon in Sun, and so escape out of the Wheel." (1)
When he says 'the Christian brute and ascetic' is he making reference to the family of stoic philosophers or Bruttii including the Admiral who accompanied Julius Caesar when they met the Keltic fleet and invaded what is called Britain today after them? This same family includes another Brutus we learned about from another Hermetic named Shakespeare. That family was still standing up for Keltic egalitarianism when it killed Julius Caesar or when Rome was founded. Did he know the history of the Milesian Stuarts from before the various influxes to the Emerald Isles as they returned many millennia after leaving due to glacial effects? There is so much code in this prose and poetry. The sun and moon surely make a wheel and this ancient knowledge probably pre-exists the coming of white men through whatever adept mutation or happenstance that allowed it. I implore the reader to spend a lot of time with this one sentence-"This much can be thought because it is the reversal of what we know, but those kindreds once formed must obey irrational force and so create hitherto unknown experience, or that which is incredible."
Platos Atlantis: Fact, Fiction or Prophecy?
Atlantis is often described as paranormal or mythical, but is it really? In two of Plato's great works, the Timaeus and the Critias, Plato describes an Athenian civilization in diaglogue between Critias, Socrates, Timaeus and Hermocrates. (Predating Plato by 9,000 years, or 9,600 BC) Atlantis, according to Critias, was a great Athenian city which, by the hand of mankind, met with cataclysmic destruction. By his (Solon) grandfather's education, Critias retold the story of an Athenian civiliation. Critias claimed that Solon (not only his grandfather, but a Greek traveler and historian from Egypt), stayed and interrelated with great Egyptian priests. The recordings from Solon were then given to Plato by Critias. Because Plato's works are considered historical fact, one can only assume that Atlantis DID indeed exist.
According to Plato's historical literature, Atlantis was an organized , massive military state that at the end of its realm, met with great, natural calamity during the planning stages on an assault on Egypt.
Agriculturally, the Athenian nation was well educated and able to create herbal remedies from plants. Their irrigational skills were very advanced, as they constructed muliple canals to irrigate their plains and farmlands. Due to their superior intelligence, reservoirs and buildings like the Metropolis were constructed, hydraulically-engineered machines and bridges were built, literary pieces and laws were written; and most often, their objects were coated with bronze, copper or gold.
Based on a monarchy and systemized class, the Atlantis civilization also held a valuable status for women. Historically thought to be the greatest of all nations, Atlantis ruled all surrounding land with their emperiorical laws.
Apart from being an advanced civilization, Atlantis (according to Plato), was a massively-sized continent. By Critias' measurements, Atlantis would have been about 3,400 x 2,300 miles in size - this is larger than some, major oceanic basins. Critias accounts that Egyptian priests told of Atlantis being located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar); this, where the Atlanic Ocean and the Mediteranian Sea intercede one another. Today, some evidence has been provided that denote underwater walls and roads, and a set of islands resembling the shape of Atlantis in the Caribbean Sea. Another possible theory would be that Atlantis could possibly rest on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (a beneath-ground mountain range); while some researchers believe that Atlantis could be in the Azores, Crete or the Canary Islands.
Unfortunately, (according to the Egyptian priests), Atlantis was continually pounded by catastrophic earthquakes and floods until one day when the whole continent sunk beneath the sea and disappeared. They were also quoted as saying that where Atlantis vanished, became an area in the ocean that was impassable and undiscoverable. The theory behind the sinking of Atlantis was that mankind had become so corrupt, that by their own hands, created their own demise.
In closing, Atlantis brings to mind the biblical stories of Sodom and Noah. It also interrelates with the continental shifts throughout the ages of the earth's history, but could Atlantis really have existed? The evidence, whether circumstantial or philosophical literature, the fact remains that Plato only wrote historical truth. This being said, what message was Plato trying to convey to the future of mankind? To the reader, I conclude this article with a quotation from Critias, from the literature of Plato, "There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes." A thought to ponder.
By C. Bailey-Lloyd
The Tree of Life and Allies
There are names in many languages and cultures or even within each culture, separate cults with different names for 'forces of nature'. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and so the list would grow into the thousands. How many different dimensions or M-branes we might interact with at some level of our 'cosmic soup' is part of the question? There are different ways to access and varied levels or degrees of access. Not all are reliably replicable by the same techniques. Some element of consciousness exists in these ethereal forces which chooses not to communicate according to factors beyond the control of the soul or human who wishes such contact.
Certain times are more propitious for such contact according to most beliefs that seek to relate with these forces. The differing brain wavelengths of people make separate variations of ritualistic methods necessary. A medium, sensitive, or psychic will have their own biorhythm to control and 'center' or 'fix' if they want to commune with any of these endless variations of force. At one level or dimension a force might appear a certain way but it too may be impacted by forces from another dimension. The shamanic 'Tree of Yggdrasil' has similar ethnic relatives such as the Hebraic 'Tree of Life' and though this universal 'tree' is more than the simple primary forces that constitute 'allies' it is necessary perhaps to know a lot more in order to see the nature of forces in general. We have the words of a 'practical guide' that uses few ritualistic or cultish prerogatives to guide us a little in this trek beyond the world we see that seems so important.
"According to some shamanic traditions of the northern peoples, the Upper, Middle and Lower 'worlds' comprised nine realms of existence and these could be indicated on the Tree of Yggdrasil.
At the top of the vertical column was a 'heavenly' realm, sometimes called Asgard, where celestial beings existed. Below it was the 'Place of Enlightenment' - the realm of the Mind, the Abode of Thought, and the fertile birthplace of Ideas. In the middle was the realm of material manifestation which was conditioned by Time, the Home of the personality self and of ego-consciousness {With conditioning galore and little ease of escape to find the essence of other more inclusive 'realities'.}. Below was a subterranean realm, related to subconscious activity, where shapes were formed from thought patterns?
{N.B.-creativity and hallucination are closely connected. Right Thought or integrating the purpose of the creator with the created is part of the dynamic.} In the matter of using the primary forces with their North, South, East and West locations and Wind, Fire, Water, Earth expressions we must remember our perceptual starting point may limit these forces ability to allow their conscious reality to meld with our INTENT! Nothing is more important than intent to a practitioner of what has been known as 'black arts' to those who priests sought to keep ignorant of their own use thereof.}.
At the base of the column was a realm of inertia - the Place of Potential. It was sometimes referred to as 'Hel' - a Germanic word meaning 'covering', because it covered the deepest areas of the unconscious. It had none of the associations attributed to the fiery 'Hell' of the myths of later religions. {Plagiarizers and ridiculing epithet hurlers.}
On the horizontal plane were other aspects of being and of experience, which similarly formed part of the 'hidden' knowledge of the shamans.
The Runic shamans of the ancient northern peoples acquired 'hidden' {Trans. 'occult'} knowledge by the use of angular symbols (Runes) which could easily be carved on wood or chiselled into stone. Contrary to modern belief (based on the conjecture of some anthropologists), Runes were not simply a secret code whose characters were used as substitutes for letters of the common alphabet. It is likely that the majority of Runic shamans could not read or write their own language, or Latin, which became the language of the scholar after the Roman influence. Runes actually represented patterns of manifestation and the laws responsible for shaping forms {N.B.AGAIN!} into which energies could find expression. They were - and are - symbols of a Cosmic language, and are valid on all levels of existence.
In the Runic 'alphabet', known as the Elder Futhark because it is considered the oldest of known Runic systems {Divinatory systems have been around since man first thought. The sticks of the I Ching and the black and white painted sides of coconut shells used by 'Orisha' worshippers such as voudou and Santeria, are probably far older than any European hominid, and certainly any white man.} and because the word 'f- u-th-a-r-k' is made up of its first six characters, there are twenty-four Runes. There are also just twenty-four possible paths between the nine realms indicated on the Tree of Yggdrasil. So the Runes can serve also as 'travel permits', enabling the Runic shaman to explore Inner Space, and as 'passports' to these other realms of existence within the Cosmic Web.
Shamans of Britain and Northern Europe were thus aware that the Cosmos functions at different levels of existence, and that these broadly correspond to various aspects of the mind. Such a concept was fairly widespread among indigenous peoples, and can be seen represented on certain tribal artefacts, such as the totem poles of the red-skinned Indians of western North America {Actually not red-skinned but'-the use of ochre as a spiritual protection among the Beothuk of Labrador led Europeans to ridicule all Indians in this manner. The same can be said for how the Kelts were portrayed as tattooed 'savages' by Caesar.} and the brown-skinned Maoris of New Zealand, {Who with British help in the 19th century wiped out the last Kelts on the Chatham Islands.} or the specially carved crystal wands used by some American Indian shamans. {The sceptres of European royalty and popery.} These artefacts often depicted three principal 'spirits' on top of one another, supported by an animal-like figure at the bottom. On a totem pole the top figure usually had wings to suggest an ability to travel far and wide. These figures could be used to symbolize aspects of the human being, of principal levels of awareness, and of conscious, subconscious, superconscious and even unconscious aspects of the mind.
Although these various states of the mind were not recognized by modern psychology until the end of the nineteenth century, shamans had personified them as 'spirits' {Or aspects.} for hundreds of years. Kahuna shamans of Hawaii (once part of a mighty prehistoric continent called Mu, which disappeared under the Pacific Ocean during an ecological disaster when the Earth was pulled into a new and slightly longer orbit of the Sun) likened the subconscious to a 'hidden' spirit within the human entity which although it was not able to talk, experienced emotion and secretly and silently served the consciousness of the individual to whom it was attached." (4)
There are many flaws in the argument or assertions about the lost continent or continental polar shift and ecologic or cataclysmic events. We shall deal with them later but at this juncture it is worth noting that the Mungo Man and other evidences of great antiquity to support Churchward's theories of Mu have been proven archaeologically. He does an excellent job of deciphering the totem poles of the Haida nation in his book 'The Lost Continent of Mu and I have found a stele at Chichen Itza that supports his Greek to Cara-Maya story of the destruction of Mu. There are many statues and artistic works in the area to support it as well as other esoteric symbols on the stele. My efforts almost landed me in a Mexican prison with no 'rights' as a Canadian or American resident. The author of this particular piece is right to focus on Hawaii and he might be amazed to know that the highest 'northern' (Hyperborean according to ancient Greek scholars) shamans, or the Druids have their most adept members in Hawaii. This was from a credible source, I trust. So just because he tried to make sense of the facts and made many mistakes does not diminish my respect for the passion and courage of Col. James Churchward. He tried to give mankind a truer picture of his roots and cultural footing. We must try to establish what relevance our past immoral behavior has for people of the future.
"The inspirational and creative level of the mind which operated at a higher state of consciousness was recognized as the province of a 'higher spirit' - a 'High' Self - which was immortal and which motivated the individual towards spiritual aspirations and noble deeds. It was considered to guide and inspire the 'human' self, for it had divine-like qualities...
Among shamans of northern traditions, however, was an oral teaching {The Bardic Tradition of the Bairds by which my genes do instruct.} that recognized a fourth intelligence - an instinctive and automative one which controlled and maintained the physical body, and which was responsible for its protection and survival. This intelligence operated at deep levels of unconscious activity {Partially, perhaps, the 'history book' of our genes according to Dr. Collins the head of the Human Genome Project.} and was likened to an animal spirit because its action seemed largely instinctive. Since it normally disappeared when the human being suffered death it was not regarded in the same way as the other 'spirits'...
Each technique has been effective within its own culture, but has derived from an earlier universal system of prehistory. By recognizing the parallels and integrating the principles into a single harmonic system in the spirit of the travelling shamans. I hope not only to get closer to the original system, but also to provide modern people with a clear path to the Cosmos of the shaman, thus securing a firm foundation from which Inner Space may be explored and the benefits shared.
Travelling shamans who went beyond the limitations of their own tribal customs recognized that no single group possessed all Truth {Thus the Kelts were into 'Brotherhood' rather than racial purity or ethnic ascendancy.}, and so journeyed from tribe to tribe and place to place seeking knowledge, gaining new insights, weaving what they learned into what they already knew, and imparting wisdom." (5)
It is good to see that there are many people in every age who see that Inner Space and travel offer much insight. Despite the prevailing attitudes of the last 5,000 years that have sought to homogenize, enslave or create class hierarchies, and manage us for their benefit, the shaman's road has borne wondrous fruit. In recent times the quantum (once derided as 'atom-mysticists') physicists and people like Lovelock, Campbell, Chopra etc., are our adept cells. The past had the De Danaan or their 'brothers' of the race of hominids we have just found near Lake Mungo.
"The Pre Ragnarok Viking Gods.
This section was inspired by Erik Linklater and the legends of the Orkney Islands, guided by Thor, and tested in meditation. It contains no material of German origin. Written 1989.
The Sagas were written by shamans and other leaders to define the social, spiritual and psychic objectives of the race. Where an image produced inspires Man and is acceptable to spirit guides, then those spirit guides will use the image as an interface and bring it to life, thus creating an archetypal God. The fossilised Gods of monotheism on the other hand are just political, mental or psychic control mechanisms stuck in time until dismantled. Spirit guides do not have a brain and need you to do their thinking and meditation for them. If one serves the Gods, then they will serve you. There are no free lunches. (Note written February 2000.)
When man can generate enough energy and responsibility for his actions, he will no longer need God or Gods. Until such time he needs a first rate energy source. The Viking Gods provide a first class source of energy, suitable for propelling man through enlightenment (as in Zen). They will help conquer the Zodiac and the Akashic Elements (Fire, Air, Water and Earth), and other Frost Giants of emotion." (6)
These wise people were often called 'messengers' among the natives of North America and 'gods' among lesser ethnic groups who sought to create Olympians or other gods they could interpret for. When the last Mungo Man went to whatever planet or end they sought, we do not know. Was it when the genetic viruses took all the large animals like Mammoths and saber cats? No, because there were still mammoths on Wrangle Island 4,000 years ago. I don't think the more advanced humans of the Mungo strain would have allowed US to do what we've done to our native 'brothers' and our own mothers and sisters. Perhaps I'm a dreamer or an idealist, maybe I'm like Heraclitus of Ephesus who shunned his position and power for the pursuit of some ludicrous and intangible 'knowledge'. Maybe I'm an extreme individual and 'neurotic' or just a naive cultist of some kind. I've been called many different names or labeled a witch, agnostic, atheist, alchemist, and other things I probably am, as well. It would be difficult to put me alongside many others in a pursuit because I value and respect so many different people and approaches. Krishnamurti (sans Theosophists), Yogananda before he reached out to normative religion and even as the ecumenicist, Jung and the philosophers of 'cell diffusion' like Campbell. I hope you put me alongside these people or simply with those who wore my name so proudly in pre-Christian times - BAIRDS! These are my ancestral 'allies' or 'guides'.
The Earth Energy Grid
EARTH ENERGY GRID: - Sedona, Arizona is not only my own personal special place in nature - almost all spiritual organizations have conventions, churches or offices near all these vortices of earth energy and nature. There is a secret government base in a valley to the north and under a swamp some engineers found signs similar to the Nazca Lines and other natural spirit forms from ancient peoples. That was after a dry spell and I no longer have the article from a local paper to quote for you. Few people who aren't totally dead from the neck up can say there is no earth energy. It has a wavelength of 7.8 cycles and intersects in ways that make numerous things happen. Personally I think 'crop circles' that aren't made by debunkers like those who've found three different confessors to the Kensington Runestone, have something to do with the Earth Energy Grid. We will go into Ley lines and other related studies as well as 'Feng shui', later. For now, suffice it to say that the earth can conduct energy as Tesla showed in Colorado Springs when he lit the town up in the early 20th century before J. P. Morgan shelved the design (after paying a cool million for it).
The work of Dr. Robins in solid state chemistry will be dealt with under that heading even though it has much relevance to this heading. His 'Dragon Project' endeavour is an excellent study from a scientific point of view dealing with the Earth Energy Grid. David Hatcher Childress has some good information as well. There is a growing awareness of the whole field now that science has seen the things energy does in vacuum and other structural lattices and templates.
It takes more than one book to do the issue justice for sure. Most people are becoming aware of the integrated impact of our Gaian Mother and nature, that astrologers and shamans have known for what reasonably can be called forever. What energy comes from the earth is just part of the overall consciousness that makes all these amazing things happen around us. 'Amber rays' might be one way of describing the gravitational energy we saw being described earlier that is sent out from each atom or nucleus. There are those who can see these connections just as they can see our aura. I'm not one of these visually talented or gifted people, so I must operate in the feeling and intellectual spectrum.
When I read that the psychic surgeons of the Philippines and Brazil have had their energy measured during operations at the same vibration rate of 7.8 cycles it started me thinking of how we can alter our state and how others might perceive us in these altered states. Clearly if anyone could see all the spaces between our electrons and the nuclei or between the different atoms and molecules we wouldn't seem solid by a long shot. Thus these surgeons who use no utensils would be able to energize the infected or diseased body part or tumor to remove it at an altered vibration level. There have been solid documentaries with such credible support as X-rays before a San Francisco businessman had such a tumor removed and X-rays a year later showing it hadn't returned. The video presentation was impressive but we all know the debunkers can show how to fake these things. In the end you must decide who has the most to gain from the arguments and whether or not you want to actualize your own potential. Once you do a few things the debunkers say are impossible - then a smile will come to your face; and the intellectual conflict loses all import unless you are stupid enough to try to write a book such as this.
String Theory knows about the harmonic forces that are less than solid which somehow combine to make what we perceive as a solid. The astrophysicists now have told us that 95% of the universe is 'Dark Matter' or 'Dark Energy' - so get with it before you are invisible and don't know it! Just kidding! We just saw Dowsing dealt with in fairly credible ways by lots of respectable people who use the results and make money by it. Maybe you already know about the ray guns and EMF equipment being used in secret research or perhaps you thought all that 'Black Ops' stuff was a great fiction like the 'X-Files' or 'Star Trek'. If so you probably are only reading this because someone insists you do it. OK. Let's say you accept there is a magnetic element beyond gravity, or some other forces attributable to the massive earth (small orb hurtling through space that it is) we walk upon. The interference on your cell phone near large mineral deposits might be enough, to demonstrate some of this.
Why is there a 'Grid' or how can one understand what level of consciousness there is? The discussion then becomes as involved as whether or not you believe you have a soul and whether or not a simple dumping of our memory onto a computer chip (Stanford 1999) is able to transfer or superimpose the soul on the consciousness already there. That conversation will inevitably get beyond the realm of provable science for those who follow the 'Toilet Philosophy' ('If you can't see it, IT doesn't exist' or Wayne Dyer's You'll see it, when you Believe IT!). At the very least it should be allowable that there are different energies and some kind of overall way these energies interact in the bowels of the earth. That is enough to end the point at this juncture.
Quotes to Think About
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation. - Herbert Spencer"
Albert Einstein - "We are seeking for the simplest possible scheme of thought that will bind together the observed facts."
"If we do not expect the unexpected, we will never find it." - Heraclitus
"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." - William James
"I feel that if we could be serious for an hour and really fathom, delve into ourselves as much as we can, we should be able to release, not through any action of will, a certain sense of energy that is awake all the time, which is beyond thought." - Jiddhu Krishnamurti, Madras, 1961
Heraclitus: "? conceded the existence of an over-riding, all-encompassing unity, in which the apparently contradictory opposites are all linked to one another, in a single, regular, cohesive system of balanced, harmonious measure and just order."
"Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. There is only one thing, and that which seems to be a plurality is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing, produced by a deception, the Indian maya, as in a gallery of mirrors." - Erwin Schrödinger
I think this means that all the talk about anomalous or truthful science is a bunch of you know what from the ego of man. We are 'connected' and our real self is not our ego. I am also of the opinion that he sees something I think is the nature of reality about the personality that some insist continues in such things as past-life regressions. Yes, perhaps through limbo and obsessions some things stay in this materially focused frame of reference (I have performed exorcisms) but when we are reborn all those memories of other lives are memories of a collective oversoul not anything like an individual soul. Maya and samsara or the 'busy-mind' do indeed deceive as he says - and though a few will gain great insight into the plural they will still be far from totally informed. Thus we must be open to all possibilities.
"Inherent to wave mechanics are the mechanisms of wave superposition and parallel and non-linear information processing. And these mechanisms, which are also affected and regulated by the laws of thermodynamics, are responsible for information growth and the evolution of biological matter. Information begets information." - Laurent from Gaithersburg, Maryland.
I yam wut I yam.
Belief is Closure
The CON in CONstructs:
There are many esoteric wisdom schools and many divisions or a hierarchy in each one of them. Some of the initiates think they are all-knowing once they see what their school has placed in the ether to make them think what they want to think. Carl Jung describes something related to this in his forward to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. He makes it clear that once a person is entering the afterlife they will see what they thought they believed or expected to see at first. Astral 'travelers' who blunder along with little awareness of history will think they are finding proof of God or alien involvement in Earth's cultural development. The magicians and priesthoods of the past were well aware most people 'traveled' every night. In the pre-Christian era this 'travel' was conscious and most people were more adept and aware. The Thoth-Hermes or Imhotep-Asklepios intellectual schools which noted historian Michael Grant tells us was the main system of thought in the Old World is mirrored throughout the whole world.
The Mediwiwin Society of North America and the Toltecs or Chanes/Dragons join the pantheon of adept spiritual scientists that modern quantum physicists note the Eastern philosophies were most expressive about. The Mandukya Upanishads, the I Ching and Tao or Zen - all these systems including Yoga of my early adulthood and search for truth are noted by Capra, Heisenberg, Wigner and the likes of Zukav as well as top Nobel Laureates of all hard sciences. It was these schools of philosophy or thought that made me know our history was all made up and not very close to reality. It goes both ways. Knowledge must be checked through other means of awareness and all facts must be included. There should be no anomaly in any true account that understands our culture or science. Belief is 'closure' of the mind! But 'belief' or 'Faith in some CON game that Noahdists, Brahmins or other Cabalistic types might have made has a very negative side to it. It builds the kind of obsession and nationalism that leads to Gihads of many kinds. It makes people say they speak for God or 'consult higher authority' as they create War on Terra (Or is that Terror?).
"Two key terms for Pisces is Sacrifice and 'I believe'. Could that be the lesson of the Piscean age, to sacrifice belief? By the way there is nearly six hundred years of the age of Pisces left to run. To stop the indoctrination of our young into established religions, to tell kids the truth and stop trying to build moral conscience through the stick and the carrot method of religion. This continual projection of shame, judgement and repression upon people who possess particular abilities is more the cause of psychological unsoundness than the ability itself. Yes, as a modern progressive society we are growing into a fuller appreciation that freedom of expression and psychological health go hand in hand but we are still a long way from libertarianism. {Which certain Illuminati say is their front and I know is derived from the Merovingian Physiocratic School that Dupont de Nemours initiated Jefferson into.}We are still a hard punishing lot, the rule of law of our secular governments simply representing a shift in power base from king and Pope to a ragtag of over-opinionated people sponsored by commercial interest promoting an ethic of self interest.
As long as society in general and us as individuals resort to punishment as a way of modifying human behavior, God as the face of human collective unconsciousness, the universal mind will not be whole and balanced. God will be too ashamed to look at his own face because of how disgusting and ugly the not understood aspects of his nature are thought to be. So there the God and Devil sit at opposite ends of the same fence, facing away from each other, we forgetting that they are two halves of the one whole. For those who have journeyed along the inner landscapes will know you need to be friends with all aspects of human nature and it is the job of the individual to reconcile this split in consciousness and let these two friends, God and the Devil go home together.
Once again getting back to the legends of the enlightened ones who guide mankind, the secret societies, the esoteric orders who boast themselves privy to secrets too sacred for the uninitiated, the custodians of spiritual truth, the mystery schools that demand loyalty upon fear of death. Why would God as collective consciousness dream such groups into existence? For one, these groups have literally cemented the inner landscapes with bricks and mortar and sign upon sign. These pioneers of psychic exploration have mapped the human subconscious with such dedication that they have made travelling the realms, looking for answers possible. These groups provide a double function. They know the direction of man's destiny is going to come through the unravelling of a psychic thread so they promote themselves as custodians of the keys of enlightenment. Their second function is to prevent anyone gaining access to this psychic thread.
God as the collective unconsciousness knows that as long as the hero keeps entering the labyrinth clutching Ariadne's thread only to return through the same way he left that it is the thread it's self that prevents him finding the other side of the maze. His own tradition of trusting in the fate repetitiously woven by Athena/Arachne in aspect as the weaver goddess, prevents him from dropping the old thread and finding the new one. When I enter the subconscious realms I want to met Elvis and Frank Zappa, Freddie Mercury and my Aunt Shirley. I found it really annoying to be directed by the custodians of the inner paths to answer questions about such old Archetypes such as Janus and Isis. My imagination was figuratively being constrained by the cemented traditions of which I have no interest, they are so antiquated they only represent tombs for thought not repositories for the living material of conscious building.
So any aspirant who seeks enlightenment who is able to open his mind up, raise his conscious level is trapped like a fly in a spider's web, into a stereotypical interaction with the subconscious resultant of the archetypal conditioning of the collective subconscious. What appears to have happened is that participants in the initiate mystery schools started to believe that the ritual Archetypes who were deliberately woven into the mists of the collective unconscious as signposts were actually real. This sentiment permeates many modern initiate schools who speak of the reality of the Otherworld as being just as real as this one. So the belief structure built up around this Otherworld has cut it off from the technique's original purpose which was simply an easy way, a step by step plan of gaining access to the human collective consciousness. These belief structures have cemented God, as collective conscious, into a prison. So, why if this is so obvious, why hasn't it been picked up before? This is the other function of mystery schools, to prevent people from seeing the truth, finding the keys, having access to a broader view of God as the collective unconscious.
By structuring the collective subconscious it has been fixed to a spot, anchored if you like. Imagine the evolutionary process of mans consciousness as a precessional zodiac wheel. With time errors appear, the archetypal map no longer represents the topography but the errors are only slight and by extending the original structure by over laying new myths over the old frame the map appears accurate. The two dimensional imagery of the subconscious becomes three dimensional. Every time the current of man's development has allowed him to glimpse a new concept, the essence has been symbolized and quickly incorporated as new building material in the old structure.
So the original spot in man's consciousness where the precessional development of man's full nature has been so built upon, become so dense, that a fortress, a whirling castle of Arianrhod has been built. Instead of mankind drifting along the path of evolution we have been fixed in space, chained to a huge structure architecturally designed and contributed to by every fully initiated master. So if this structure is what's keeping man from continuing on the road to enlightenment why was it designed by people who were seeking that very thing. Because the Architect knew that one day these structures would finally be seen for the prison they are and God as collective unconscious would teach himself the means by which he could escape the prison walls. In hindsight we can say that man's conscious is genetically coded not to continue development until such time as man is consciously aware of the process and has made a conscious decision to evolve." (7)
DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (ARCHETYPES): - "All material bodies are condensations of frozen bodies." (2) Jung is becoming 'in vogue' again, I hear. Perhaps this time around it won't just involve so little real appreciation for all that he meant and understood. Dream interpretation and projected Western values can be a Freudian gambit - Jung grew to see things few will ever admit to in the present ideologies of the West. He was able to contact the future before the First World War and it almost convinced him he was mad, until he saw his visions were right - then he knew it wasn't himself who was mad - it was the world he lived in! His archetypes may be a contact with the genetic 'history book' that the Director of the Human Genome Project talked about recently when he announced that only 2.8 centimetres of 1.8 metres of a gene are required to make the human being. It might be a collective 'tap-in' or even the 'medulla oblongata' has the ability to record the knowledge of previous evolutionary experience of man's development. Personally I feel it is a matter of some of each of these things and the factors relating to chaos and the interference of conflicting vibrations or wavelengths in the confusing array of bandwidths and personalities.
The 'archetypes' and our dreams are definitely important to our discovery of what the soul and oversoul is trying to achieve. Our conscious waking experiences are far too influenced by convention and peer pressures or the five senses, to differentiate the ego's interest from the purpose we are here to explore and refine. Is there a connection between the archetypes and the helical structure of all the naturally occurring paradigms like time, harmonic building blocks of one dimensional force, nanotubes, DNA and telomeres, etc.? Is that structure part of a form which is unique to the earth experience or does it have close corollaries in other parts of the universe? We are on the verge of breaking down the insights of intuitive attuned masters of the philosophies that are aware of the ego and its NEEDS. Soon the Eastern mystics and shamans of the world will be universally appreciated, I hope. Their ethic is a clear requirement to explore if we are to begin the 'New Age' in a position to make the most of all that can be! It might be required by other life forms we call alien before we are allowed to participate in the cosmos and its order. That would be great!
"When I go past the dark alleys and passages of my mind, I come to the core of my Being. - At the core of my Being I am in touch with the light and the love and the knowingness that are inherent properties of my natural state." (3)
One of the outcomes and plans involved in the rape and pillage of aboriginals and nature-worshipping cultures around the world was a history that injected war into the lives of the Mayans. Personally I have a hard time accepting that the 'missionaries' of the Keltic/Toltec or Druidic tradition that are reported in the stories about Kukulcan and Quetzacoatl were responsible. However, they were probably accompanied by those members of their society (or followed by) who brought the mindset of European power-mongers and aristocrats. I can see where the Ostrogoths disappeared to and it wouldn't surprise me if the Sybarite/Milesian faction had ousted other 'Bruttii' before the 6th century BC., who found their way to the Upper Mississippi area of the Great Lakes before moving south to the more extensive mounds they built.
There is mounting evidence that the Basque played an important part in the Mayan scheme of things. Their language is connected as is the Rh factor in the blood. It is rare and traceable to Iberia, (the one between the Black and Caspian Sea) and the Mayan. They also seem to have lived in harmony until the Norman or other conquests were occurring in Europe. Needless to say the conventional wisdom is trying to paint them as sacrificers of barbaric proportions, but that too can be traced to Moshe (as in Moshe Rabbenue) and European influence and practice. There is no doubt in my mind that the nature and archetypes of the Mayan culture make it clear there was a long tradition of harmony and awareness of the ego and its conflict that adds so much negative inputs to our shared experience with nature. I like the words of the following author who has lived in the lifestyle or with these people even more than I have.
"Even though the Mayan temples became overgrown with jungle lushness, the Mayan beliefs have survived. Because of their togetherness all these years and their deliberate lack of contact with the Spanish, the Mayans have managed to practice their beliefs and practice them today almost as they did thousands of years ago." (4)
The Mayans say we should be careful and observe our involvement with nature and the progressions of different forces. They say: "Do not put yourself, in front of your SELF!" Most people are unable to quiet their mind and keep order in their memory and recall, due to a lack of proper tools (like Ars Memoria, in the 'Symbols and Concepts section') and the spiral of educational inputs that have no flow and fit. If we have a through-line of purpose and ethic these problems of the busy-mind disappear and a greater sense of mental and other well-being permeates our lives. The Mayan are naturally this way and if Western Man succeeds in abusing them with greed and need then it will be a greater loss in my heart than I wish to bear.
The inner quest
The tradition of vision, and the inner quest by the shaman, the Druid, the saint or the holy man, seem to be connected at specific places where the energy forces of the planet are located {In the microcosm of our mind or the macrocosm of the universe, too.}. The Celtic and pre-Celtic shaman, the living embodiment of the collective psyche, was the link with the ancestral spirit world. He performed the ceremonies connected with the dead, and the annual rites of renewal on behalf of the living. The age-old communal tomb which was the source of his power {Like relics of the Catholic Church. The lattices of the DNA archetypes and stone enclosures were designed to house the forces of personal and tribal attunements.} was the place where the forces of heaven and earth could meet. The vulva-shaped megalithic dolmens from Cornwall and India show how widespread was the ancient belief in the burial receptacle as a womb-place of the Earth Mother and the Other-world. These tombs were usually constructed with giant stone slabs forming a chamber and a trenched passageway, the gaps filled with dry-stone walling and covered by a great mound of earth. Dolmens, quoits and cromlechs are the remains of the original chambers. Natural caves and artificial chambers cut into the rock were also used.
The block of sandstone, 28 ft. (8.6 m) long, which is called the Dwarfie Strane, is an example, unique in Britain, of a rock-cut chamber. It may have been used for meditation or initiation; for 'at each end is a bed and pillow of stone capable of holding two persons, with a hole above to admit light and allow smoke to escape'. {We believe the king's chamber in the Pyramid has a resting place rather than a sarcophagus. There were no mummies or bodies therein, and there was no top to this bed. The 'debunkers' of ancient knowledge say there was a grave robbing enterprise. These were not robbed and their uncovering through tunneling is well recorded. The grave robber priests of the second millennia and later BC are a fact but they went were the material treasures were housed and did not get into the Giza Pyramids. They are also part of a time when the ethic and culture of the supposed Stone Age or earlier 'primitives' were no longer in charge. After the Trojan Worldwide War things became worse in leaps and bounds. There was a 400 year 'Dark Ages' as the Keltic/Phoenician 'Red-Heads' such as those being burned at the graves of their long ago leader Osiris; decided New Zealand and the Americas were better places to live and love life.} The early Christian saints of Ireland and Scotland {Like Columba and Pelagius, who still endeavoured to retain old 'Brotherhood' ideals [Iesa=Jesus] from before Rome when deviate behavior swept this opportunistic church.}continued the tradition of using rock cavities for meditation and prayer. They chose mountains, islands and desolate places not only to avoid distraction but also to be closer to the Sacred. The church near Bilbao, actually built round a group of natural standing stones, and dedicated to St. Michael, the dragon-slayer beloved of the Celts, is a remarkable example of the Christianization of a sacred place." (5)
We will go further along the path of science that is proving the existence of templates and archetypes in all of nature as we cover Dr. Robins' work and Lamarckian evolution etc. Yes, the universe might have an over-riding purpose and potential that insists on growth and creativity. If we don't allow each member of our human family to be able, through enabling support, we might not only be diminished; we might have a re-start of universal proportions as Martin Rees is saying about the whole of our universe. He is a recognized expert in the field for whatever that is worth, but what he says is in line with the cycles of Hindu astrology to be sure.
Here is a simple exchange of knowledge from a forum on the World Wide Web. It includes Iesa in a gospel that reflects back to the things which ancients learned and gradually got imbedded or imbued into our genes and archetypes. But that knowledge of the 'oneness' or what Jung calls the 'collective unconscious' has another side or oppositional element. There are those who would use our 'oneness' against the good of 'the collective'.
"Hymnal prayer from the Gospel of the Egyptians IE IEUS EO OU EO OUA
the living water!
The child of the child!
O glorious name!
Truly, Truly! The one existing eternally!
Truly, Truly! EI AAAA OO OO
O one who exists, who sees the aeons!
The one who exists for ever and ever!
Truly, Truly! IEA AIO, in the mind, who exists!
This, your great name, is upon me, o faultless, self-born one, who is not outside of me. I see you, O one invisible before everyone. For who will be able grasp you in another language? Now that I have known you, I have merged myself with the one who does not change. I have armed myself with luminous armor and have been luminous. For the mother was there on account of the lovely beauty of grace. Therefore I have reached out my folded hands.
I have been formed by the ring of the wealth of light which is in my breast, which gives form to the multitude born in the light, where no accusation reaches. I shall sing your glory truly, for I have grasped you. SOU IES IDE AEIO AEIE OSIS O! Eternal, eternal god of silence, I honour you completely. You are my place of rest, O son, ES ES O E, the formless one who exists in the formless ones. He exists, he raises the one by whom you shall purify me into your life according to your indestructable name. Therefore the fragrance of life is in me. I have blended it with water, from the pattern of all the rulers, so that I shall live with you in the peace of the saints, you who exist forever.
My response:
Thank you for the Hymnal Prayer of the Egyptians. It has much of the meaning of Iesa (Iesous in the fish symbol [IXOYE] stolen by Christians) and even Zeus comes from this concept of the Brotherhood of Man. That 'one mind' or collective that is known to the ancients and which Jesus (Iesa through linguistics) may have allowed himself to be known."
The Keltic program of 'Brotherhood' required sending children to far away places for their upbringing as we have mentioned. In the matter of psychology it served to ensure disciplined people with few 'spoiled brats'. Much of our insanity comes from a confusion created in the minds of undisciplined people. Habits and ego or choices to behave as idiots seem more likely causes of aberrant behavior than most psychologists want to allow. After all if discipline and meditation were all we needed then a lot of people would see what is going on: and education would have to become enabling for individuals rather than for our bureaucratic propaganda and psycho-civilizing purposes.
Author and activist for ethical change.
Put my full name in your browser (Robert Bruce Baird) is you want more about me.